Virus Spreading Simulation
each dot represents a person, initial position and direction of each person is determined randomly
if ways cross, already infected people infect the ones that are crossing
ways are considered as crossing, when the distance of two people is below the safe distance
keeping a safe distance means, to change direction shortly before ways would cross
isolated people are kept "in the background"
this is not a scientific simulation, this is not a source of data you should rely on
this is a simulation helping you to understand the measurements that are taken in cases of epidemics or pandemics
Population Density (People per Square-Kilometer)
Zoom factor (5 = zooming in 5x, looking at 1/5-th of the area)
Risk of infection when ways cross ({{Math.round(riskOfInfection * 100)}}%)
Days Needed To Recover
isolate Infected
Percentage of People ignoring Isolation/Quarantine ({{Math.round(isolationError * 100)}}%)
Days Needed To Isolate A Person
keep safe Distance
Percentage of People ignoring to keep a safe distance ({{Math.round(keepDistanceError * 100)}}%)
Safe Distance (in meters)
Simulation Visualisation
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